When buying accessories, you have to think about what is appropriate for your personality, is the design and shape suitable for the purpose and the price of it does it go with your budget?
Accessories designer and expert Nahla Nour El Din told us about how to choose accessories:
For the morning, accessories should always be simple with no exaggeration in shape, size or colors.
At work, your accessories should also be simple. A simple chain or thin necklace with a simple earring and bracelet would be suggested. Stay away from big accessories or that make sounds as you move through the workplace.
But when, going out for dinner or so your accessories should be special; it would be eye-catching, suitable for the evening as possible. Diamond, gems, or precious stones are favoured. Pearls are also recommended as they are fitting for all occasions and costume.
When you are the host for a home dinner and you would be busy welcoming and gusts, it is preferred to wear simple accessories to feel comfortable with your guests.