Consultant: AMR threat is accelerated by overuse and misuse of antibiotics

Samar Yahya
Riyadh – :
Dr. Mushira Enani Infectious Diseases Consultant, King Fahad Medical City spoke to AlBilad English daily about antimicrobial resistance (AMR) that occurs when bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites change over time and no longer respond to antimicrobial therapy, making common infections tougher to treat and increasing the risk of spread of infection, disability and death.
On the causes of AMR, Enani attributed it to many factors that have accelerated the threat of AMR globally including overuse and misuse of antimicrobials in humans, livestock and agriculture, as well as poor access to clean water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH).
For Enani pharmaceutical healthcare companies can improve access to quality-assured and affordable antimicrobials to combat AMR. Healthcare institution should improve awareness to public, healthcare providers, and policy makers to improve antimicrobial utilization and stabilize AMR.
“WHO has declared that AMR is among the top 10 global health threats facing humanity. By 2050, if no action is taken to slow down AMR, 10 million people will die each year due to infection with resistant microorganism; deaths from AMR will exceed deaths from cancer, road-traffic accidents and diabetes combined.” Enani said
“We need to use antimicrobials wisely, we should not ask our doctors to prescribe antibiotics for treating fever, cough, or sore throat as these are caused by viruses in most cases.
“We need not to share left-over antibiotics with family or friends and use antimicrobials as prescribed by the physician. Together we should preserve the antimicrobial miracle that saved humanity and made modern medicine possible.”
On how to ensure patients that they receive the correct antibiotics, Enani said that it is the role of the prescriber to use the scientific name antibiotic, define the right dose, the formulation, and the expected duration of therapy.
Also, the dispensing pharmacist needs to double check if there is a medication error in the dose and explain to the patient the proper way of taking the antibiotics.
For physicians to better understand current resistance patters, Enani said: “Antimicrobial Stewardship activities such as workshops, courses, and educational activities on antimicrobial use and resistance that are delivered by pharmaceutical companies and health care facilities help raising awareness of physicians.”
On whether vaccinations play a role, Enani noted that vaccination will help preventing some serious infection such as invasive pneumococcal disease and preventing invasive strains of hemophilus influenza in children. Also vaccination against influenza will reduce the risk of bacterial superinfection.
Enani advised the public to stop self-medication with antibiotics and to follow their doctor’s prescription if they were offered antibiotics.