The Korean Ambassador Witnesses a New Era with Advanced Robotics and AI Technology of LG-Shaker

The outgoing Korean Ambassador, His Excellency Mr. JO Byung-wook visited LG-Shaker manufacturing facility along with the accompanying delegation. The delegation was received by the company’s CEOs, Mr. Fahad Alshabibi and Mr. JEONG Yeon-wook.
The visit came upon the announcement of April 21, 2021 by LG Electronics (LG) and Al-Hassan Ghazi Ibrahim Shaker Co. (Shaker Group) – Saudi Arabia’s leading manufacturer, distributor and importer of air conditioners and home appliances – to launch a new investment in their joint-venture air conditioner (AC) production facility in Riyadh, which opens a new era in the local manufacturing industry, as the LG-Shaker plant will deploy industrial robots and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology to automate the production process and optimize operational efficiency.
During the visit, Ambassador Jo said, “The adoption of cutting-edge automation technology will help improve productivity and produce state-of-the-art components, enhancing production capacity and operating proficiency to lead the competitive Saudi Arabian Market.”
Since commencing operation in 2006, the LG-Shaker manufacturing facility in Riyadh has widened the availability of high-performance LG residential and system air conditioners across the Middle East and North Africa, including the Gulf States and Egypt. Representing LG’s commitment to the communities where it operates, the AC production facility has aided in the development of a robust local manufacturing sector, in accordance with the goals of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 and National Industrial Development and Logistics Program (NIDLP).
Ambassador Jo has concluded his visit, pinpointing the importance of investment in cutting-edge production technology and its pivotal role in further cementing Saudi-Korean long-term relationship, strengthening the partnership to provide consumers with the latest life-enhancing innovations. He added, “The investment into the Kingdom will not only contribute to the growth of domestic manufacturing in Saudi Arabia, but also create jobs both for Koreans and Saudis.”
To date, the company has invested nearly $100 million and created more than 170 jobs in the Kingdom. And the total value of the Korean investment in Saudi Arabia since 2008 is about $5.3 billion.