
Tawuniya launches Covid-19 Travel Insurance program

Offers comprehensive cover for a range of pandemic travel-related issues for citizens travelling outside Saudi Arabia



The Company for Cooperative Insurance (Tawuniya) has launched the Covid-19 Travel Insurance program to provide extra cover and reassurance for Saudis travelling while the Covid-19 pandemic is still present across the world.
The program, available to obtain from Tawuniya selling channels starting of May 6, 2021, offers international travel insurance cover with a benefit limit of SAR 650,000 per person. It has been launched to coincide with the introduction of Saudi government regulations allowing citizens to resume international travel and will cover associated costs if they fall ill with the virus while outside the Kingdom.
The Covid-19 Travel Insurance program covers accommodation costs related to Covid-19 quarantine restrictions, with a limit up to SAR 450 per day for 14 days. It will also cover emergency medical expenses with a limit of SAR 650,000 and will provide cover up to SAR 40,000 if a trip is cancelled or cut short due to named reasons such as Covid-19 infection. It also includes provision of up to SAR 2000 for each cover of flight delay and baggage delay, as well as the other medical related services, including the cost of medical evacuation.
On this occasion, Mr. Sultan S. Al-Khomashi, Tawuniya Senior Vice President – General Insurance, said: “We are proud of activating this program on behalf of 12 insurance companies in the kingdom, in partnership with the Saudi Central Bank and the Council of Cooperative Health Insurance. The safety of our fellow citizens abroad is one of the Government’s top priorities and in response we have developed a comprehensive insurance package aimed at mitigating against the effects of Covid-19 for Saudi travelers.
“The new Covid-19 travel insurance package, which is a first-of-its-kind in the Kingdom, has been developed to provide the best protection and reassurance for citizens travelling abroad during the pandemic. It has initially been designed to cover trips of up 30 days, with an option to extend to 60  or 90 days depending on the travel requirements.
“The program, at a cost of SAR 375, provides unique benefits that are not available with similar insurance packages. It combines the risk associated with Covid-19 together with standard international travel insurance. It also provides protection regardless of age and is not limited to a single trip, but covers all trips taken during the valid period.  The package is available for purchasing to Saudi travelers starting from May 6, 2021 through Tawuniya’s sale channels.” he added.
All services provided through the insurance cover will be available 24 hours a day and can be accessed via Tawuniya’s call center or its WhatsApp service. Tawuniya will work in partnership with an international partner to provide emergency services across the world. The call center will also handle all inquiries and provide information relating to the insurance cover.
Compensation payments which have been allowed in align with the basic coverage sections, depends on the direct billing system subject to the prior approval by Next Care Company. This procedure supports the citizens when they do not pay any amounts, which will be directly credited to the insurance account.

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