Jeddah – :
Saudi German Hospital in Jeddah successfully performed surgery on a 55 year-old man suffering from elephantiasis, which included an enlarged testicle weighing over 40 kilograms and swelling in the legs which was affecting his ability lead a normal life for the past four years. The surgery, which used the latest technology and the most advanced medical equipment, was led by Dr. Ihab Saad, Head of Surgery Department at Saudi German Hospital-Jeddah and was supported by a multidisciplinary team from Urology, Plastic Surgery and Anesthesia.
The condition includes the enlargement and hardening of limbs or body parts caused by tissue swelling and may also affect the genital area as well. Dr. Saad and his team of surgeons removed the testicle cyst in a ground breaking surgery that lasted for four hours. Post-surgery, the patient spent time in recovery to regain his health and strength, in order to resume normal life.
Dr. Saad said, “We are pleased to announce the success of this very delicate surgical procedure, especially after several medical institutions and facilities refused to treat the patient’s condition due to the high risk posed by surgery. However, we performed the operation using the latest medical technologies available under the supervision of a highly qualified and professional medical team. The success of this procedure is a key addition to the many achievements of Saudi German Hospitals (SGH) Group–reflecting the Group’s high-level facilities, advanced medical equipment and world-class capabilities of its doctors in performing complex surgeries.”
“We, at SGH Group, provide the most advanced surgical and therapeutic services across various specialties, backed by medical teams of high-level professionals who are qualified as per the highest international standards, to meet the various health needs of the patients and provide them with comprehensive treatments. We are committed to provide our patients with the latest and most successful treatments that enable them to enjoy a healthy life, while strengthening the Group’s position as a leader in the field of healthcare in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.” concluded Dr. Saad.
The Department of General Surgery and Oncology at Saudi German Hospital-Jeddah performs various advanced surgeries, which include liver transplant surgeries, heated intraperitoneal therapy for peritoneal carcinomatosis, in addition to liver, colon, stomach, pancreatic and biliary cancer surgeries. The department also offers breast cancer, thyroid, endocrine and soft tissue surgeries, aside from various general surgery operations, whether open or laparoscopic.