Financial services company reduces fraud losses by $3.4 million with Kaspersky Fraud Prevention

Riyadh – :
Kaspersky Fraud Prevention has reduced one company’s fraud losses by as much as $3.4 million over three years, according to a Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study commissioned by Kaspersky and delivered by Forrester Consulting in June 2020. Compounding the dramatic drop in fraud losses, savings from a reduction in customer service interactions amounted to $121,074, while a further $17,571 was also generated by eliminating second tier authentication for verified customers. In addition to the monetary savings, interviewees also highly evaluated increased customer trust and constant expert assistance.
The number of fraudulent cases has spiked across the financial services industry, with more than half of organizations seeing increases in both fraud costs and volume. However, protection against malicious actions may harden access to user accounts, and such solutions may implement more actions to ensure that it is a legitimate client who tries to login. A balance is needed to guarantee optimum security and minimize fraud, while simultaneously ensuring minimal steps of authentication.
The extent of fraudulent activity targeting their peers has forced one financial services company to rethink how they protect their own assets as well as their customers. This organization had not previously adopted a fraud prevention solution in the digital channel. Following a rigorous selection process, they chose Kaspersky Fraud Prevention based on its ability to provide a frictionless authentication method, while keeping up with the ever-changing fraud landscape.
Forrester interviewed the company and revealed that Kaspersky Fraud Prevention allowed the organization to offset the fraud threat. Incorporating labor, investigation and external recovery expenses, fines and legal fees, the total saved in reduced fraud losses were estimated at $3.4 million over three years.
Kaspersky Fraud Prevention’s Advanced Authentication presented the client with an ‘easy entrance’ mechanism that enabled customers to authenticate directly from their desktops, with the same level of security as they would through communicating with the organization’s call center. Mitigating the expense of additional calls and enhancing customer service interactions allowed for further savings of $121,000 over the aforementioned three-year period.
Kaspersky’s exposure to, and visibility of, the global cybersecurity ecosystem helped the company stay protected from evolving fraud schemes. With every new fraud method identified in the industry, a new monitoring process is added to the existing solution.
The Forrester study also noted that the company achieved stronger consumer trust thanks to the anti-fraud solution: “for consumers who could have become victims of fraudsters and lost their financial assets, knowing that their financial services provider took care of them helped build trust and loyalty toward the company”.
“Fraud is an evolving concern, so it’s of huge comfort to our clients and their customers that the solution being provided molds and adapts according to real-time threats. We are happy that our clients can detect complex fraud and money laundering cases without affecting their service productivity. This balance results in reputational benefits through increased consumer trust and clear ROI,” comments Claire Hatcher, Head of Business Development at Kaspersky Fraud Prevention.
“Today we are successful in detecting fraud in our online channel from the first signs, including anomalies in consumers’ behavior or logins, or malicious software installed on their devices,” comments transaction security manager from the interviewed company.
More information about Kaspersky Fraud Prevention solutions is available via the Kaspersky website. Find out more about the Forrester Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study, and the ROI that Kaspersky Fraud Prevention brings to customers, here.