Riyadh – Asdaf News:
Under the theme “Effective partnerships for the goals of sustainable development,” the inaugural International Exhibition for the Non-Profit Sector and Awqaf (IENA), opened here on Saturday. The three-day exhibition is supported by the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and was put together in collaboration with the National Centre for Non-Profit Sector.
The expo seeks to develop a global platform for the nonprofit industry. More than 100 exhibitors from government agencies, international organisations, civic institutions and groups, banks, donor entities, many local and international endowment bodies, and educational institutions, such the Saudi Entertainment Academy, are taking part in the show. The sector’s different organisations have signed a number of collaboration agreements.
Eng. Abdulmohsen Al-Turki, vice president of the growth sector at the National Centre for Nonprofit Sector said, “We are delighted with such exhibits that aim to assist the sector flourish. They are a result of a sense of obligation to the nonprofit sector and highlight the significance of its role in development. To achieve social and economic growth that would allow the sector to expand and play an active part in attaining sustainable development, the National Centre for Non-Profit Sector was founded.”