Using physiotherapy to better control Parkinson’s disease
Unique advantages of physiotherapy for the treatment of Parkinson's illness

Dammam – Asdaf News:
Parkinson’s Awareness Month is in April, and Almana Group of Hospitals in Saudi Arabia is using the occasion to engage with the nation’s Parkinson’s population. The prevalence of Parkinson’s disease is anticipated to increase due to the nation’s changing demographics, which include an estimated rise in the number of people aged 60 and older. Via its expanded network, Almana Group of Hospitals wants to include and assist as many people as possible this year.
One crucial aspect of Parkinson’s disease management is the role of a physiotherapist in maintaining mobility and preventing future complications, not only for the individual with the condition but also for their family and caregivers. Dr. Ahmed Al-Dukhail, Consultant Physical Therapist, said: “We aim to help individuals living with Parkinson’s maintain independence, improve mobility, and enhance their quality of life through specialized exercises and techniques.”
The theme of this year’s Parkinson’s Awareness Month, #Take6forPD, draws attention to the statistic that someone is diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease every six minutes, which can have an impact on all facets of a person’s life. The good news is that physiotherapy can effectively manage Parkinson’s disease with exercise, gait training, flexibility and stretching exercises, functional training, and integrated care.
Exercise, specifically aerobics, resistance, and balance training, can reduce symptoms such as stiffness, tremors, and balance problems. Gait training is a specialized physiotherapy technique that improves an individual’s ability to walk with techniques such as treadmill training, cueing, and visual feedback. Stretching exercises improve flexibility and range of motion, while functional training enhances daily activities like dressing, bathing, and cooking with techniques such as task-specific training, adaptive equipment, and environmental modifications.
A physical therapist may suggest additional team members address motor and non-motor issues that may arise from Parkinson’s disease. Individuals with Parkinson’s disease need to collaborate with a neurologist and a physiotherapist to develop an individualized treatment plan that considers specific needs and goals.
Whether you are a new or long-term Parkinson’s patient, Almana Group of Hospital’s physiotherapists will evaluate how the condition affects your movement. Through this assessment, the specialist can assist in maintaining your fitness levels and promoting good posture and balance as the disease progresses, ultimately allowing you to maintain independence.
In summary, Parkinson’s disease is a complex condition that can significantly affect an individual’s quality of life. However, with the help of physiotherapy, individuals can manage their symptoms, maintain independence, and improve their overall well-being. During Parkinson’s Awareness Month and beyond, Almana Group of Hospitals aims to provide support, education, and specialized care to the Parkinson’s community in Saudi Arabia.