Riyadh – Asdaf News:
The KPI Institute, the world’s leading source of research and instruction on key performance indicators (KPIs), has awarded the Tourism Development Fund its Integrated Performance Excellence Award.
The fund received the fourth level out of five for maturity, which is regarded as the highest rating among recently established entities (less than 10 years since its establishment) and one of the highest ratings among governmental organisations in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, as evaluated by the KPI Institute.
Using five main criteria—strategic planning, corporate performance management, corporate performance measurement, employee performance management, and performance culture in the organization—the award was given after considering the viability and effectiveness of the policies and practises that govern performance management and comparing them to successful organisational practises. The Fund received the Excellence Award as a result of its dedication to implementing the best global practises to foster corporate excellence both inside the Fund and with its partners and investors in the tourism industry.