The “DASH Diet” is deemed the best for heart health by the American Heart Association

Riyadh – Asdaf News:
The top three diets for heart health have been revealed by the American Heart Association.
According to doctors, a person’s diet might affect their heart health even though medicine may be required.
The “DASH Diet” was deemed to be the best diet by officials. Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension is known as DASH. It advises people to modestly consume lean protein, such as eggs and low-fat dairy, as well as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.
It also suggests avoiding alcohol and consuming little to no salt and sugar.
The second-place finisher was the pescatarian diet, which is a vegetarian diet plus seafood.
Third place went to the Mediterranean Diet, which is comparable to the DASH diet. The Mediterranean Diet does not require people to limit their salt intake per day.
According to officials, the ranks were created so that doctors could convey precise nutrition advice with their patients. They advise folks to consult their physician to find out which diet is best for them.