McDonald’s Celebrates Female Talent
Full shift operated 100% by women in McDonald's Al Safa branch for a whole month

Jeddah – Asdaf News:
In Celebration of the International Women’s Day, McDonald’s Saudi Arabia (West &
South and Tabuk) is having a group of amazing female talents run a full shift in Safa branch in Jeddah –
100% run by women. The McDonald’s Women will run the shift three days a week for the whole month
of March – where employees from different branches in different positions in Jeddah come together to
make this initiative happen.
McDonald’s began recruiting women in their branches in 2017 and since then, the female team has
made great progress in enhancing and developing their skills. Their female employees have dedicated
themselves fully to their development and training which gave them the opportunity to evolve their
talents. The female role in McDonald’s company has always been valuable throughout the years and
McDonald’s is proud that the talented female members working in the head office, came up with this
special initiative to highlight the power of women. They say, “every day is our day”.
Mohamed Alireza, Deputy General Manager of Reza Food Services Co. Ltd.—McDonald’s Saudi Arabia in
the Western & Southern region and Tabuk, said: “our employees’ development and growth is at the
forefront of what we do. Giving the opportunities to female talents to showcase the great work they can
do is very important to us. We are always committed to ensure that our employees feel appreciated and
recognized. Their achievements speak for itself. We are most humbled to see our female employees
always growing and aiming to reach higher positions.”