Last Chance to See Community and Critique: SEAF 2019/20 Cohort 7 Show
The exhibition will close its doors in a week's time

Abu Dhabi – :
Community and Critique: Salama bint Hamdan Emerging Artists Fellowship (SEAF) 2019/20 Cohort 7 Show will close its doors on December 20 at Warehouse421. The show includes 16 UAE-based artists’ works after a year-long program in partnership with the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD). For its last week, the show will conclude its virtual talking series with Artists Talk: The Poetics of Performance, featuring participating artists on 14 December.
The 7th Community and Critique show shed light on works that mediate the public and private realms, embracing a site-specificity and urbanity framed in our current world. The participating SEAF fellows are; Abdullah Alneyadi (UAE), Aisha Al Ahmadi (UAE), Arwa Najem (UAE), Athoub Al Busaily (Kuwait), Faissal El-Malak (Palestine), Fatma Al Ali (UAE), Hissa AlZarooni (UAE), Maitha Hamdan (UAE), Malak Alghuel (Libya), Mohammad Alshaibani (UAE), Mouza Al Hamrani (UAE), Nabla Yahya (India), Sara Ahli (UAE), Sarah Almehairi (UAE), Sari Al Taher (Palestine/Philippines), and lastly, Zainab Abdelaziz (Sudan).
SEAF fellows draw from diverse backgrounds in visual art, design, sculpture, performance, and literature. Their ages and careers vary widely, with some fellow within only a year of their graduation while others balance active work lives with their demanding studio practice.
Artists talk program: The Poetics of Performance
On December 14, SEAF Cohort 7 fellows, Athoub Albusaily, Malak Elghuel, and Nabla Yahya, will discuss the fellowship experience, experimentations, and evolved practice under the umbrella of community.
This final talk, titled The Poetics of Performance moderated by Sarah Almehairi and Nasser Alzayani, will showcase unexhibited supplemental elements to the artists’ final artwork alongside poetry readings, recorded process footage, and performances. To register for the talk, visit