Riyadh –:
During the domestic flight resumption phase, the General Authority of Civil Aviation (GACA), implements field trips at the Kingdom’s airports, with the aim of following up and monitoring the commitment of national air carriers and staff at the Kingdom’s airports to enforce the application of precautionary and preventive measures to combat the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). This in order to ensure a safe journey that starts at the passenger’s home, until he reaches his intended destination. The field teams from GACA are also working to monitor the most prominent observations through field inspection tours and reports are shared with the relevant authorities for the needed corrective action. This in addition to the inspection teams preparing periodic reports on the level of customer satisfaction and their observations on the services provided to them at the kingdom’s airports.
GACA has applied during the resumption phase of domestic flights several precise criteria to improve the experience of travelers in the Kingdom’s 28 airports, where the authority oversees the application of precautionary and preventive measures. This in addition to providing an excellent and high quality services to travelers by monitoring travel points at the Kingdom’s airports. This is achieved by measuring waiting times and following up on the availability of all services that contribute to improving the experience of travelers and ensuring their smooth and easy transportation. Meanwhile, in order to ensure the passengers safety by ensuring the availability of sterilizers and providing modern technology for voting by means of travelers satisfaction measurement devices through (QR Code) technology that enables travelers to share their satisfaction with the services provided. The poll is taken by by scanning the voting code through their smart devices, to provide the option of voting without the need to touch devices.
In this regard, GACA has taken many steps aimed at developing the air transport system in the Kingdom, in order to play its role effectively. Furthermore, improve the traveler’s experience as one of its priorities in order to provide the best services in accordance to the best international standards during the Coronavirus pandemic. Furthermore, to improve the level of services provided to travelers based on the supervisory role of GACA in the aviation and airports sector. Meanwhile, GACA is working to improve the experience of airports passengers around the clock, according to a criteria and indicators through which to monitor and supervise the services provided to travelers and involve beneficiaries of services and stakeholders in developing those services.
It is worth noting, that GACA is keen to develop and improve the services provided to travelers in the Kingdom’s airports to be at a high and competitive level, and in accordance with the best of international standards. This will contributes to improve the services provided to travelers, speed up and facilitating travel and reduce the traveler’s check-in procedures time, while implementing all the (COVID-19) preventive measures before boarding the aircraft, and in coordination with the Ministry of Health.