EU Delegation to Saudi Arabia launches Europe Month 2024

Riyadh – Asdaf News:
The Delegation of the European Union in Saudi Arabia, in close collaboration with the Embassies of the European Union countries and cultural institutes, has launched for the 3rd year in a row Europe Month celebrations in the Kingdom.
As every year, Europe Month will run from 9 May to 9 June. During this month-long celebration of Europe and Europe’s cooperation with the Kingdom, a series of cultural events are taking place in Riyadh and Jeddah. The objective is for the Saudi public to be able to enjoy European culture as well as learn more about the European Union.
Commenting on Europe Month 2024, H.E. Mr Christophe Farnaud, EU Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, said: “Each year we celebrate Europe Day on 9 May, which marks the anniversary of the ‘Schuman Declaration’ that paved the way for the European Union as we know it today. I am glad that we are able to celebrate this historic occasion with the Saudi public by offering them a series of captivating cultural experiences – from music to films, there is something for everyone to enjoy.”
Europe Month 2024 calendar of 18 events includes also several concerts. Europe Month Piano Concerts by internationally recognized Polish pianist Wojciech Waleczek will take place at the Saudi Music Hub on 14 May in Riyadh and on 15 May in Jeddah. The Embassy of Spain will host a wonderful concert dedicated to flamenco music at the Saudi Music Hub on 21 May. On 22 May, the 4th edition of the crowd-favourite European Night of Languages event will take place. This unique get-together will gather language-enthusiasts in Saudi Arabia giving a chance to practice various European languages as well as to get to know new ones.
The French Saudi Fashion Days on 25-26 May will also take place in Riyadh during Europe Month. On 26-30 May, art-enthusiasts will be able to take part in a week-long free workshop on Museums in Contemporary Societies at Nafisa Shams Higher Academy Training Institute in Jeddah which is organised jointly by the EU Delegation with the Museums Commission. The cherry on the cake will be the launch of the 3rd European Film Festival in Saudi Arabia at the end of this month with screenings foreseen both in Riyadh and Jeddah.
Full Europe Month calendar of events and registration is possible via