Riyadh – Asdaf News:
By: Samar Yahya
H.E. Mr. Christophe Farnaud, EU Ambassador to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia inaugurated the EU pavilion themed “More than Food” representing the 27 EU Member States, at Foodex Saudi 2023, on Sunday.
Celebrating the art of food,Foodex Saudi 2023 runs from 17-20 September 2023 and is held at the Riyadh International Convention & Exhibition Centre.
In his welcome speech, Ambassador Farnaud, welcomed guests and explained that the main objective of the pavilion is to promote and showcase the high safety and quality of European food products on the Saudi market.
Ambassador also stressed that The EU pavilion at Foodex is a continuation of a number of activities that the EU has organized in Saudi Arabia, as part of the recently completed “More Than Food” promotion campaign.
As per the European food culture, it is rich in tradition and diversity and known for its taste and quality. European ingredients can add value to traditional Saudi recipes. In fact, many European foods and beverages have become mainstream across the country in supermarkets, speciality shops, and restaurants. Ambassador added.
The GCC is the fifth most important trading partner for agri-food products and trade flows are dynamic and since 2009 the value of EU agri-food exports has more than doubled.
Public opinion surveys conducted in Saudi Arabia on behalf of the European Commission, showed that food was the top factor influencing the purchasing behaviour of between 63 and 72% of the consumers. 88% of Saudi consumers agreed that European food was of good quality. More than 80% of the surveyed consumers agreed that EU food and beverage products were ‘tasty’, ‘healthy’ and ‘authentic’.
Speaking to Asdafnews, Ambassador Farnaud confirmed that EU rich agriculture heritage is reflected on products that highlight EU’s commitment to quality, safety, authenticity, and sustainability.
Foodex Saudi is Saudi Arabia’s Leading International Trade exhibition 100% dedicated to the food and drink industry. Professional Saudi buyers from the food distribution, retail, manufacture, and hospitality industries will have the opportunity to source products and trade with exhibitors displaying a wide range of global food and drink products and solutions.