
Celebrating World Intellectual Property Day

Riyadh – Asdaf News:

To promote conversation about the function of intellectual property and how it fosters creativity and innovation, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) leads the globe in celebrating World Intellectual Property Day on April 26 each year.

Every year, hundreds of events are held all over the world to honor inventors and creators and to spread awareness of the intellectual property system and the rights associated with it (such as copyrights, trademarks, patents, design rights, trade secrets, and plant variety rights). These events are organized by IP offices, law firms, private businesses, students, and others.

Events commemorating World Intellectual Property Day offer a chance to examine many facets of the intellectual property system and how entrepreneurs, artists, and enterprises may use it to enhance the value of their originality and creativity. It is also a chance to highlight how the IP system aids in the economic, social, and cultural growth of all people everywhere. By granting time-limited rights that satisfy prerequisites outlined in international treaties negotiated by WIPO’s member states, the IP system aims to strike a balance between the interests of artists and innovators and those of the general public.

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