Abbott Launches New PediaSure in Saudi Arabia
Clinically Proven to Support Healthy Growth and Unlock Growth Potential in Children at Nutritional Risk

Riyadh – :
Abbott announced the launch of its innovative childhood nutrition solution, the new PediaSure with arginine and natural vitamin K2. Saudi Arabia is the first country in the Middle East to launch this innovation, marking another milestone in Abbott’s commitment to help promote healthy growth and unlock growth potential in children at nutritional risk.
Feeding problems in children are common globally and may result in both short- and long-term negative health outcomes. In the Middle East, poor nutritional intake as a result of highly selective diet (picky eating) in children remains a persistent social and economic concern. Poor nutritional intake derived from a less nutritious diet (Quality) along with decreased nutrition intake (Quantity) can lead to growth faltering.
Poor nutritional intake as a result of selective eating has long-term effects on individuals and societies including poor cognitive development, less income, recurring illness and poor self-esteem. The consequence is largely irreversible if not corrected at early years of life, and once growth is impaired at early childhood, a child remains unlikely to ever catch up to his full growth potential.
The best possible future of a child starts with the best possible care and a proper nutrition support. As 60 percent of child growth happens in the first five years, immediate
intervention in this critical window should be taken to prevent growth impairment, poor immunity and poor cognitive development in the future. Unlike common perception, the contribution of genetics on growth from infancy to early childhood is relatively small, instead, nutrition, together with environmental factors like hygiene and exercises, is key.8
Robert Murray, Professor of Human Nutrition, College of Education and Human Ecology, The Ohio State University, said: “Undernutrition has many negative impacts, in particularly slowing down the linear growth of children who are either living in community or staying at hospitals. Without proper nutrition, growth faltering or even stunted growth can occur, leading to illness and cognitive development issue which have serious consequences later in life for children. Addressing undernutrition as well as malnutrition at risk early to reactivate the growth plate helps them reach their full growth potential. Genetics determine the bone elongation but environmental factors, especially nutrition, help children reach their full height potential no matter how the geographical or cultural differences are.”
“The first five years are considered the golden window for parents to prepare a strong foundation for the children’s future. Height growth potential is achieved 60% in the first 5 years. Nutrition should be taken advantage at the early stage of life to maximize the potential in the future,” he went on to say.
Abbott first introduced PediaSure in 1988. Since then, the company continuously innovates the formula to keep up with the increasing nutrition needs of children around the world. Backed by strong science of more than 20 clinical studies a scientifically-designed formula with complete, balanced nutrition and 37 nutrients, PediaSure has been proven to promote visible growth in height, weight and improve immunity for children at nutritional risk.
Particularly, clinical studies have shown that children consuming PediaSure gained height and improved appetite in 9 weeks of intervention; had better nutrient adequacy and reduced number of sick days as much as 60 percent in 12 weeks. The enhanced formulation of PediaSure – with arginine and natural vitamin K2, to further support longer and stronger bone growth may help better address stunting and promote catch-up growth in early childhood.
Imad Mousa, General Manager – Abbott Saudi Arabia Trading said: “Giving a better foundation for health for children has been Abbott’s priority for many years, and we have been constantly making efforts to bring superior sources of nutrients to support children in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in their crucial years. With a deep understanding of the nutritional challenges in the region, we are committed to pioneering the research and working closely with the concerned stakeholders and healthcare organizations in combating stunting and malnutrition.”