
During the period from the beginning of January 2021 until early April “GACA”: More than two thousand violations of the precautionary measures were reported



The General Authority of Civil Aviation (GACA) continued its efforts in implementing the protocols, precautionary and preventive measures for the COVID-19 pandemic in its headquarters, airports and facilities. During the period from the beginning of January 2021 to the beginning of this month, (2729) violations amounting to 2,729,000 riyals (two million seven hundred twenty nine thousand riyals), which included non-compliance with the procedures approved by the health authorities when body temperature rises above 38 degrees, refusal to have their temperature taken, failure to adhere to social distancing and not using a medical, or cloth mask.

GACA indicated that it is intensifying its inspection tours and monitoring visits to all GACA’s buildings, airports and its affiliated facilities, and activating a screening point (measuring temperature or applying Tawaklna). This in addition to appointing a protocol officer in each facility and more than 250 observers to follow up the implementation of the precautionary measures and prepare the weekly report that includes the numbers and data of violators and the number of supervisory rounds that took place during the week.

It is worth noting, that GACA has increased educational awareness messages in all its buildings, airports and facilities, and companies and commercial centers in airports have been emphasized on the necessity to adhere to the precautionary measures and health measures, and communication channels with the number (8001168888) were opened. This in addition to social media sites to receive travelers’ complaints in  All airports on those in breach of precautionary and preventive measures against Coronavirus.

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