
Monty Finance announces valuable customer benefits and platform features ahead of Q2 2022 launch in the Middle East & Africa

The all-new banking proposition will offer businesses and consumers an unrivaled global digital experience

Dubai –

Monty Finance, a sister company of Monty Holding and the newest neo banking platform set to enter the Middle East & Africa (MEA) market, is welcoming engagement and advanced discussions with potential partners and customers ahead of its official local launch in Q2 2022. As a financial lifestyle partner that promises to offer a faster, smoother, and unrivaled global digital experience beyond traditional means, services, and outcomes, Monty Finance represents a new and futuristic Fintech venture for end-users. Comprising advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) features, and unique online user experiences, customers will be empowered to attribute funds to their ‘MyMonty’ account and use their contactless cards to transact anywhere in the world, at any time, with extreme ease via the market exchange rate.
Mountasser Hachem, Chairman and Founder, Monty Finance, said: “The rapidly unfolding digital evolution has opened up a whole new world of possibilities across industries, and finance is no exception. Many businesses and consumers are currently underserved or frustrated with levels of service, while even more people are part of the unbanked population with opportunities to open a bank account or receive and send money. Monty Finance aspires to break these trends, ushering in a new chapter of online banking prosperity for all. We are excited to bring banking essentials to many businesses and people in due course, ultimately providing a one-stop-shop, easy-to-use financial solution is beneficial for the region and the world.”
Across the MEA market, an apparent shortage of digital financial services players continues to persist, presenting a tremendous opportunity for growth in this segment by offering modern and effective services to businesses and consumers. As such, Monty Finance has prioritized delivering new value to these communities with essential banking and payments services that restore balance and make life easier for millions of people in the process. Satisfactory, results-driven user experiences will be complemented by an intuitive interface and newfound levels of customization and personalization, as well as the ease, simplicity, transparency, and financial convenience consumers seek in today’s digital-first world.
Immediately following Monty Finance’s official launch, consumers – followed by businesses – will benefit from features including digital on-boarding, personal financial management, and next-generation payment instruments. At the same time, end-users will also be able to receive virtual and physical cards, avail competitive digital lending options in due course, utilize the best AI-tailored offerings, and engage in Monty Finance loyalty programs accompanied by reward coupon management and redemption opportunities.

These essential financial services will first become active in the European market during Q4 2021, followed by MEA in 2022, which will include the key markets of the UAE and Saudi Arabia. Building a comprehensive financial institutions’ partnership ecosystem will also be an operational imperative for Monty Finance, as will promoting further initiatives for standards and connectivity, such as Open Banking.

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